And General director of PT. KAI, Soemino Eko Saputro say that PT. KAI do this recheck to increase level of safety trip by train. They hope repair and rebuild the passanger cars that unsuitable to transport the passanger will finish on two or three day later.
On the other hand, The passanger car point for Pregnant women, children, and Old person will be not operated anymore. PT. KAI do this decision, because they think it won't use any more and it less function anymore also.

The line north to Tuntang was left in place when the service was withdrawn and it is currently being reinstated (Part I - Ambarawa and Part II - out in the country). The trackbed onwards to Kedungjati is still largely in place but it would be an extremely expensive job to restore it.

The museum was established in the 1970s primarily to preserve a wide selection of the steam locomotives which were then coming to the end of their useful lives on the 3ft 6in (1067mm) gauge railways of the Indonesian State Railway (the then Perusahaan Negara Kereta-Api, PNKA). These are parked in the open air next to the original station, originally a transhipment point between the 4ft 8½in gauge branch from Kedungjati to the north-east and the 3ft 6in gauge line onward towards Yogyakarta via Magelang to the south. It is still possible to see that the two sides of the station were built to accommodate different size trains. Ambarawa lies some way above sea level and was an administrative centre for the Dutch colonialists. It is now a popular area for local tourists, particularly with the nearby hill station of Bandungan and the Hindu-Buddhist temples at Gedong Songo. Foreign tourists pass through the area particularly in conjunction with visiting the Buddhist temple at Borobudur. Hence the museum is well situated and its development into a world class site is not only desirable but feasible with the right kind of backing. Currently it is still part of the State Railway who have supported it to the best of its ability since formation although funding has never been generous. Now the provincial Government of Central Java is increasingly taking an interest from the point of view of its heritage significance and its potential as a tourist attraction. Non-Governmental bodies like the Semarang Heritage Society are also acting to assist and there is also an unofficial overseas group The Friends of Ambarawa Railway Museum'. Click here for information about visiting the museum.
Ambarawa Steam Locomotive Depot finally finishing restoration once of steam engine nuber C1218. The restoration is initiated and supported from many railfans who cares about the existence of steam locomotive in Indonesia expecially in Ambarawa.

For the launching ceremony of The Cirebon Express Feeder, CC200 15 hauling the train set from Brebes to Cirebon. All feeder passanger will move to Cirebon Express Train at Cirebon station.
The Cirebon Express Feeder arrive from Brebes at Cirebon
Regullary Cirebon Express Feeder was hauled by CC201 locomotive series
IRPS has been invited by PT Kereta Api’s officials for trials the 8000 series of Electric Railway (KRL) between Jakarta Kota and Bogor on September 19, 2005.
the 8000 series of Electric Railway (KRL) at Jakarta Kota station

KRL-Indonesia at Manggarai station before the test run

IRPS members and PTKA staff in front of KRL-Indonesia at Bogor station
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